The Human Resource Policy

In Glowmore we believe that HR is the backbone, hence an important asset of our organization. Glowmore seeks to provide career opportunities to people with a genuine interest in microfinance services within the social sector. We believe in equal opportunity and affirmative action and as an organization strive to exemplify an atmosphere of mutual trust, fair remuneration, long-term benefits and career development opportunities.

In Our Team we have range of Human Resources from different sectors with preference on young energetic & experienced Manpower with high emphasis on skill set. Total Manpower of Glowmore is more than 100 bulk of them being Credit Officers & Branch Managers. We employ and train young men and women who are mostly graduates, often giving them their first opportunity to earn for their families while taking steps towards their own career development.

We have a core team of experienced staff at senior levels delegated to take decisions on day to day affairs of the organization. We strongly believe in enhancing and upgrading the skill and knowledge base of the team to keep them at the cutting edge of new innovations, concepts and emerging disruptions so that we can be effective in meeting our set goals in the rapidly changing environments. We have a devoted training center with a panel of experts who provide training to the team of Glowmore on a regular basis.

Glowmore’s training team invest in the people through

Identifying, customizing and delivering effective training solutions.

Designing a competency-based culture tied to business strategies and goals.

Establishing a formal career development planning program.

Providing assessment solutions to help identify strengths and areas of opportunity for development of employees.

Customizing teambuilding events to strengthen team and improve productivity.

Job Opening

Field Credit Officer

Assistant Branch Manager

Branch Manager

Credit Executive

Audit Executive

Sent Your Resume - [email protected]