Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at our Company goes beyond business and extends to the implementation of socially relevant activities for the benefit of diverse sectors of the society.

This Policy is in keeping with the requirements of the Companies Act 2013 (“the Act”) and Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules 2014.

Financial Literacy and Women Empowerment

GMF continues to do its best for bringing about social change through various programmatic and development activities by financial literacy and Women-Empowerment programme. It has been a practical experience of GMF especially for the project team members in financial inclusion. Our mission is directed towards bringing about positive social change through financial inclusion by financial literacy training programme.

Social Awareness Movements

Client Awareness is an important aspect of GMF’s culture. As part of activities, we conduct periodic Social Awareness Movements which is known as Socio-Economic Awareness (SEA) workshops, for our customers in all our operational areas. These campaigns draw participation from the entire community. The objective of the Campaigns is to build customers’ ability on relevant issues like health, sanitation, HIV/AIDS awareness, nutrition, family planning, income generation activities, enterprise development, law and financial literacy etc.