Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Grievance may have some basis in fact, may be a distortion of facts or be a figment of someone’s imagination. In any event, they must be dealt with in a systematic manner. Prompt handlings of employee’s grievance are essential for maintaining a contented employee group. While no simplified formula exists, for the reduction of the number of grievances. The objective of the Grievance Procedure is to settle grievances as far as possible at the first supervisory level, or if proceeded further, as quickly and in as fair a manner as possible.

Aggrieved Employee

An employee is expected to resort to the grievance procedure immediately on its occurrence and to this extent any grievance which more than 30 days may not be entertained. Grievance can be raised by an employee via written complaint, E-Mail, Verbal communication etc. Employees in case of Grievance are expected to raise the same to HR-Representative.


Every branch is assigned with respective HR-Representative (New entrant can refer ‘Know Your HR’ displayed in branch notice board). HR-Representative’s contact details will be displayed in the branch notice board. HR-Representatives can be contacted for any grievances, issues, clarifications queries etc. HR-Representatives will educate the employees on their UN clarified areas through appropriate action mentioned in the above flowchart.

Since Grievance settlement procedure is formulated for employee issue redressal therefore, any grievance related to annual appraisal or arising after disciplinary proceedings will not be resolved in this procedure.

Cases not covered by or requiring relaxation of these rules or where doubt has arisen regarding the interpretation thereof shall be referred to [email protected] and HR shall consider each case on its merit and submit it to the CEO/COO whose decision in such cases shall be final.

Customer Grievance Redressal Mechanism

At Head Office

A Suggestion cum Complaint Drop Box is also maintained at the Head Office of the Company.

On a daily basis the Customer Care Executive at Head Office will get the current status report of customer grievances from branch office. In case, any grievance remains pending in the given time, then Customer Grievance Redressal Executive at Head Office and Respective Concerned Higher authority would intervene and will give direction to the concerned person in branch to resolve them as early as possible.

A full-fledged "Client Service and Support Cell" is functioning at Head Office, overseen by Operation Head. A dedicated phone line and complaint Register is maintained at HO for receiving and recording client's complaints and grievances. A complaint number is issued to client for all complaints/grievances submitted through telephone or through suggestion cum complaint drop box, for future reference and follow up.

An acknowledgement is sent or communicated to the Client immediately on receipt of the complaint till final redressal letter/telephonic message.

Operation Head and H.O. Operations Team as mentioned in (2) above is responsible that thorough analysis of the complaints is done and necessary instructions are given to Branches for speedy redressal and follow up till final redressal letter is sent to the complainant duly explaining the decision taken on the complaint.

Monitoring and Review of Clients' Grievances and Complaints at HO are done during quarterly meeting of HO Operations team under the Chairmanship of MD/Chairman.

Submission of Quarterly Report on Clients ‘Grievances and Complaints to Board of the company for review and monitoring during quarterly Board Meetings takes place.

Client Satisfaction and Client Feed-back Surveys is conducted by HO from time to time through in-house as well as by External agencies to assess the level of Client satisfaction.

At Branch Office

Complaint Registers are provided in all the branches. Any written complaint is instantly and promptly noted and acknowledged by the BM by giving a complaint number.

Suggestion and Complaint Drop Box fixed at branches is locked with Keys with AM, if any client has any serious complaint against Branch or Branch Manager, she has an option of dropping her written complaint in the Box and AM during his weekly branch visit unlock the box and access the complaints/grievances, register it in the complaint register of the branch and will instruct BM to inform client about acknowledgement of her complaint/grievance and the same is in process. Further AMs will ensure that all necessary steps are taken to resolve the complaints/grievances of the clients in timely and effective manner BM during his centre visits carries Complaint Book and record all complaints/Grievances notified by the client during his centre visits in the complaint register and take steps to resolve the same timely and efficiently.

AMs during their Weekly Branch book and complaint/grievance drop grievances and complaints. Monitoring checks the branch complaint/grievance box and takes suitable steps to timely resolve all.

Clients' Day is observed by the branch on 15th of every month. On this day branch managers make themselves available at the branch between 4.00 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. to meet Clients/their spouses without any prior appointment.

All our Branches display the name and telephone numbers of their AM and "Head Office Client Service and Support Cell" for client complaints and grievances and educate the clients about our elaborate client grievance redressal mechanism and system.

Appeal to the Reserve Bank of India

lf the complaint is not redressed within 30 days, the customer may appeal to the Officer-in-Charge of the Department of Non-Banking Supervision (DNBS) of the Reserve Bank of India, Bhubaneshwar at following address :

Reserve Bank of India

Department of Non-Banking Supervision

Pandit J.N. Marg

Bhubaneshwar - 751001

E-mail:[email protected]